
Saturday, August 14, 2004

hmm.. let's c wat happen
on thrus.. wasnt beri happiee
din scored well in moi sci..
hais.. nv expect moiself 2 get such low marks 4 sci
seriously i love sci lors.. hahas
[dun beat mi!]
but luckily ms yeo sae tat 1 wun count in ca3
blehs~ nida jia you le lahs..
m i realli 2 slack?
hmm.. mayb i m pa..
hais.. den now muz jia you le..
hmm.. den watched soccer..
japan VS paraguay
tyco match i culd say..
manage 2 stay awake n watch..
den end up dun hav japan de star players
wanted 2 c moi
kawaguchi & innamoto
but itz all new players..
n tat new golly had a beri slowwww reaction..
end up the score was lyk 4-3?
yea.. i tink sho.. if i'm not wrong..
lamme game
hmm.. den ytd
joke of the day:
melvan told the whole kals wat i saed!
cuz in moi 14 yrs of life.. i kept tinkin tat
mr goh chok tong was mr lee hsien loong's father
n mr lee kuan yew ish mr goh chok tong's father
oh wellz.. n i told mummy n jie abt tish..
mummy scolded mi lors
n jie din wana tok 2 mi
i seriously duno lors..
mummy was lyk sayin.. how blur n slow can i b
GOH n LEE ish a diff surname lors..
=( sorriee lors..
hmm.. den whole kals was lyk makin fun of mi?
all melvan's fault
den wen 4 trainin..
but i dun wana go in detailed abt it..
wen daren's hse 4 D&T proj
hahas.. it was fun i culd sae
slept on his bed..
n i din noe he tried lotsa ways 2 let mi wakie n get off his precious bed
hahas.. poor ting..
4ogt 2 tell u tat no1 had manage 2 wake mi up wen i'm seriously tired
hahas.. den geral was lyk tellin him no use de lors..
i wun wakie until i feel lyk..
hmm.. nth much le pa..
at least 2dae brighten mi up abit..
=i'm dissapointed.. u dun even care.. or mayb.. u didnt even sense smth ish wrong=


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