
Saturday, September 04, 2004

gr8est news eva!!


got "jui jia xin ren jiang"

at duno wat music award

hahas.. wateva it ish!!

he got it!!

woo~~ YiDA rOx!!

n his liu yan

he wrote he will b cumin 2 sg 4 ta FM933 ta tingie

wahahahas.. sads i canot go watch.. but i'll support him!!

=wah~!! tish 1 sho ke ai + shauiz!=
=aiyo~ wat happen 2 his hand???=

=hahas.. i lyk him 2 act cool.. realli beri kool~=

=taken frm dou yu2=

=hahas.. sho kute.. =

=wah!! tish 1 sho shauiz=

=heys.. i love tat cam.. hahas..=

anonymous: i'm sorriee i dun realli hav ta time 2 find pin chao's gf's photo.. but i'll help u find if i realli hav ta time.. SORRIEE~ i noe wher can find it but i jux dun hav ta time.. SORRIEE~

=Hidiyaki takizawa!! ahh.. sho shauiz!! i rmb i'm seriously in love wif him wen i 1st saw his show.. "xin wen nui liang" yupp.. tink he's surely kute!! hahas.. n i love his another drama seires "SOS strawberry on shortcake" nice show nehs.. =) =

=another kute pix of Hidiyaki~[ la la la]=
=tish ish Yuki.. hahas.. he's half japanese n half taiwanese.. his father ish japanese n his mother ish taiwanese.. he hav a yonger sis i tink.. hahas.. i love his 1st album ta song.. esp."di yi ci" itz nice.. hahas=

=wEi bO yea!! hahas.. long time no c.. wahahahas.. bian shauiz le.. =) =

=yEAH~~ finally found a jay shauiz shauiz ta foto!! hahas..=

=heys!! wat.ta.hell!! itz ANDERSON lors.. look behind!! YiDA looks fat here! i'm still figuring out y ish he in ANDERSON??=

=heys.. jay ish sho ke ai here!=


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