
Tuesday, October 26, 2004

-[left to rite]- [ah long] [guan ding] [ah wen] [xiao ren] [DDwho] [xiao xiang] -6 plus!!!-
nickname -xiao ren- [main singer]
real name -ren zhong qiang-
buffdae -17th dec 1980-
horoscope -sagittarius-
height -167cm-
weight -53kg-
nickname -ah wen- [main singer]
real name -liu xi wen-
buffdae -13th march 1980-
horoscope -aquarius-
height -175cm-
weight -63kg-
nickname -guan ding!!!!!- [keyboard]
real name -he guan ding-
english name -AL-
buffdae -12th sept 1981-
horoscope -virgo-
height -169cm-
weight -63kg-
blood type -B-
hobbies -eating- [wahahahaha!!!]
drinks -diet coke-
brands -adidas n polo jeans-
colour -white blue black-
gr8est wish -hope liu jia's music can rock ta whole taiwan-
-hope he can lose weight 2 58kg instd or his current weight- [heys!! tat's 2 skinny lahs!]
nickname -DDwho- [drum]
real name -hu wei zhi-
buffdae -10th aug 1981-
horoscope -leo-
height -173cm-
weight -60kg-
nickname -xiao xiang- [bass]
real name -wu shi xiang-
buffdae -30th aug 1981-
horoscope -virgo-
height -169cm-
weight -55kg-
nickname -ah long- [guitar]
real name -huang guan long-
buffdae -14th june 1980-
horoscope -gemini-
height -174cm-
weight -68kg-
i lyk [guan ding]
he beri ke ai!!!
he's side view look abit lyk yip on..
dun beat mi*


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