
Monday, November 15, 2004

x]]LOOK OUT!!![[x
those who lyk [6 plus]
a.k.a[liu jia yue tuan]
if ur keen 2 join ta BERI 1ST [6 plus] OFC
pls tell mi..
u onli hav 2 pay 20bucks
n u'll get a membership card n a [6 plus] official tee!!
u muz b askin.. wats sho special abt tat [6 plus] tee?
well.. u cant get it aniwher in spore!!!
cuz itz imported frm taiwan!!
yesh! taiwan
cuz onli taiwan hav
n tat tee [6 plus] oso hav!
they will wear it on sum performance[if u noticed]
ta design of the tee ish..
in front got [6 plus] de symbol + the chi words

liddat lors ..

if i'm not wrong.. hahas

den ta tee ish black de

cuz can get ta white 1

but black 1 nicer

hahas ^o^

den ish short sleeve de

cuz cant get long sleeve

cuz spore hot mahs

hahas.. yupp

sho if ani1 interested pls tell mi

i'll giv u ta details

hahas.. aniwaee

i join le!!!

wEEeeeEEEee ^o^

[6 jia] cui lei!!

wo men 12 yue zhong jian lo! ^o^

OFC=Official Fan Club


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