baobei galgal,HAPPY 1ST MTH!

taken on our 1st mth at esplande. ( = gees. we wearing the couple tee tat galgal bot. c( = sho shweet of him.

we`re happily attached to each other on 28o9o5. ( =

moii 1st pressie frm galgal on our 1st mth. couple tee.

2nd pressie frm galgal. cell phone sensor. cute hors? hahahas.

3rd pressie. doraemon!!! wahahas. a big 3q to moii baobei galgal. hahas. i`m gonna b wid u as long as u wan mi to. -mhuacks*

moii pressie for baobei galgal. ha. it`s nth compared to wat he`ve gav mi. but still hope he`ll lyk it.