
Sunday, December 19, 2004

[6 jia] day 2!!!
abt half an hour ago guess wat i'm doin??!!
chattin on fone wif moi dinG*!!!!!
realli.. no bluff
cuz yiling use her fone n call mi n ask dinG* tok 2 mi
he sho kutee!!!
cuz i cant wait le
i wen home at ard 12.15am liddat
waitin 4 them 2 go bac hotel
cuz i wanted 2 take moi WWJD hand accessory
i ask him buy 4 mi de
he brought tat frm taiwan
onli meee* sitong* weier* n serene* hav
cool hors
our dinG* sho gud
he rmbed 2 help us buy lehs
i tmr wan him help mi wear
den i was lyk chattin wif him abt tat
tellin sorriee tat i cant wait 4 them
den he was lyk "ya i noe,parents will worriee de mahs"
den he sae "sho late haven slp arx? muz slp early blah blah"
tell u.. dinG* realli lyk 2 nagg ppl alot
hahas.. but sumhow i njoy he's naggins
den finally he nagg finish le
den i nagg him
"u beta rest well kz, taiwan beri cold, muz wear more clothes,
ltr bathe liao faster go rest le, muz drink more water hors blah blah blah"
den aft moi naggins.. he say.. "haha.. oki oki.. no prom.. bu u oso muz slp early kz?"
den i sae" oki.. promise! "
den he sae "oki.. den u go rest now kz.. cya tmr.. tmr i pass u ta WWJD"
hahas.. n tat conver las 4 abt 10 mins liddat pa..
sho happiee.. moi mummy was shock 2 hear tat i'm tokin 2 dinG* hahas
FIRST VENUE~ tampines mall [xiao ren buffdae party]
they was late
but nvm
had alot alot alot of funn der
cuz not much peepx
sho we get realli close 2 them
xiaoren was damn pro
he blew 1 time all ta candles at 1 shot!
n ta was 24 candles der
den beri funny
xiao ren was forced 2 eat ta choc on ta ice cream cake
den he aft 2 bites
i ask him "nice?"
den he say"not bad not bad quite nice"
aft sayin.. he ask ah wen help him eat
den he squeeze ta whole piece of choc in ah wen's mouth
lols.. luff until i peng
cuz aft tat ah wen's mouth was sho dirty
den i was lyk tellin wen "ehh.. ur mouch beri dirty lehs"
den he was lyk sayin "ya lahs.." den look at xiao ren
den he ask "ish ta still choc stains on his mouth?"
den meee* n serene* was lyk "norrr.. here here.. der der.. everywher"
den he spend quite a few mins 2 lick everyting off..
den 2nd was DD
he was sho funniee lors
cuz geral wana take foto wif him
den i was lyk askin "DD.. can geral take foto wif u?"
den he was lyk "sure.. y not?"
den shu hui* pass him ta cake
beri small piece
den tat lame guy.. ate everyting in 1 shot
itz ice cream cake lors moi dear
den he was lyk shock dao n face behind spiting out ta cake
den he was lyk "y itzzi ice cream cake?"
den i was lyk "ya..cuz they say u lyk 2 eat mahs"
den he was lyk " woah.. i din noe.. i tot it was jux a normal cake tat's
y i put ta whole ting in moi mouth"
den i was lyk luffin tellin him "cold ohh? nice ma? ur fav lehs"
den he was lyk "yupp yupp! beri nice"
den wen he take foto wif geral i told him" muz do ya famous spastic face ohh?!!"
den he was lyk givin mi those "dengs.. oki oki.."
den tat pix was realli toopig.. =.=
DD~ hais..
den xiao ren came wif his cake
den he was askin DD help him 2 eat
den DD was lyk "i dun wan.. ask ah wen ask ah wen"
den xiao ren kept askin him
den DD was lyk " i dunn wan.. ask ah wen!! i jux gain weight"
den xiao ren say "serious ohh? den he walk awaee wif his cake"
poor ren.. if he ask mi i dunn mind helpin him eat
den 3rd was dinG* i go der take foto wif him n askin him bout ta cake
he was shooo cute
den i walk beside ah wen n wishper 2 him "can ur sign poster anot?
cuz moi poster left 3 haven sign nehs"
den he sae can arx.. den i open moi poster
den he c den he sae " wait i help u call them"
den ta 2nd ting i noe was he shouting sho loudly!
he 1st called ah long.. he was lyk "AH LONG!!!! sign!!!"
den ah long took moi pen n sae "pink 1 ohh? i dun lyk pink pens"
den i was lyk.."pink sho nice.." hahas..
den he sae wait arx
he help mi sign
den end up ta pen no ink
funniee sia
den i was lyk tellin him.. hmm.. "ta pen dislyk u 2.." hahas
den he was lyk.. "ya lors"
den he wen ta borrow pen
den he sign
den he help mi call xiao ren
oso beri loud
den xiao ren came n sae "oki!!!"
den xiao ren was holdin on 2 a glass of water den i offered 2 help him take mahs
den he told mi "oki oki.. thx wors.. ur sho thoughtful.. thx"
den i was lyk" hahas.. welcum lahs"
den he sign le.. he help mi call DD
den he was lyk "DD quick.. las 1!!"
den DD cum n help mi sign den i was lyk "woah.. no nid sho big pa?"
he say" hahas.. nvm lahs.. special"
den i was lyk.. "err.. oki.."
den aft tat i was siting beside ah wen
playin wif moi fone
den he saw den he sae "ehh.. sho cool.. lemme c"
den i haven respond he took ta fone le
lols.. cute sia
den he was lyk "how 2 use?"
den i teach him lors.. den he was lyk "orhh.. den he ownself "zi pai" tot pix of himself"
den he was lyk.. figuring out how 2 i save it den i sae.. "i help u lahs.. press tish oki le"
den he was lyk "orhh.. den he sae.. take wif mi lehs"
den i was lyk "hahas.. oki lors.."
den he took ta fone n took foto wif mi
hahas.. cute guy sia
hmm.. den sho sad they havta go le..
tat was ta funn 1
cuz hav 2 grps singing [6 jia]'s song mahs
1 grp ish meee* serene* gladys* esther* zhiwei* geral*
den 2nd grp ish weier* hong cha* n sitong*
den we 1st grp 2 go up sia
den we got prepare costume
we wear our sch white blouse n shirts n jeans
sum peepx wear jeans sum wher skirts
den we wen up n sing
everyting was alrite until moi verse
techincal prom
ting stopped hav way ni duno how 2 contiune wen we hav ta music bac
den i was lookin at [6 jia]
hahas.. den ah wen was lyk helpin mi sing n catch up ta song
sho paisehx
thx ah wen! ^o^
hmm.. den we wen dwn n stand beside them mahs
den dinG* was lyk tell mi"we did tat song well"
den i was lyk realli?? but i got NG lehs..
den he was lyk luffin n say "nvm lahs.. at least we help u"
hee den i was lyk ya.. =P
den hong cha*'s grp.. they sang well 2
hahas.. den we wen up stage wif [6 jia] tghr wif hong cha they all
we all got a pressiee frm them
a "dan qu CD" n postcards [again]
hahas.. moi CD i got it frm long den dinG*'s hand still got 1 set of postcards mahs
den he saw mi havin no postcards
he came 2 mi n say "nahh.. tish 1 giv u de"
n he was smiling
den i was sho touched n i sae "umm! thx.. "
den i was all along standin bihind dinG* until we got off ta stage
den hav ta play game mahs.. we no chance play
den they sae can touch aniwher of those members lehs!!
cuz they r suppose 2 find who touched them
den i was lyk wahhh!!! moi dinG* arx..
cuz ish DD.. dinG* n ren pa.. if i'm not wrong
den i was lyk moi dinG* arx
den end up onli dinG* found ta correct person
den i was lyk shouting.. dinG* ur sho smart
den he look at mi n smile
den wen he was asked 2 hugg tat gal
den i was lyk dinG*!!!!!
den he look at mi again n gimme those kind of nvm lahs.. but sorrriee look
THIRD VENUE~ tampines mall [again]
ish their autograph session
i was sho damn high wen i saw dinG* wen i sae him i was lyk shoutin "dinG*!! we reach le!! ^o^
den he was lyk lookin at mi.. smiling.. den he nodded
den i was sho happieee
den during ta performance i oso got shout dinG* den he was lyk smiling at mi!!
wahaha.. sho ke ai..
den aft tat was fan yi chen
den mi n serene wen 2 buy ta [6 jia] wristband
sho damn nice lors..
den dunn hav le
onli taiwan hav.. wahaha.. n i got it
den we wear mahs..
den wen dinG* they all came out again
serene n mi was lyk shouting dinG*!! look!!
den he saw den he pointed at our wristband smiling
den we was lyk nodding
den ta autograph session
we came up den i let him sign..
den he was ta 1st 1
sho i ask.. dinG* can write moi name?
den he was lyk which ish ya "shi"
den he write finish le den he ask "ur yun lehs?"
den i duno how 2 write lehs
i spend sho much time plus sum help of ah long n xiao ting jie den he noe how 2 write
same as mi
duno how 2 write chi words de..
den we still hav ta "dan qu CD" mahs.. den we Q-ed again
den wen we reachin dinG* saw us
den he was lyk "ehh?? 2nd time ohh?" den serene n i was lyk "yupp yupp! we're here again"
den he smiled n we smiled 2
den serene gav him 1st mahs
den serene was lyk dinG* i was bao bao[hug hugg] den he saed oki
but xiao ting jie disagreed
den he saw "xiao ting sae cant wors.. sorriee wors"
den we was lyk hahas.. oki lahs
den ah long heard mahs
he say "xiao ting sae cant hugg we dun hugg.. xiao ting sae can hugg we hugg until tat person die"
den i was lyk wahahahaha
den wen i shock hands wif ren.. he was lyk "thx ohh.. muz study hard kz?"
den he look at mi.. den i was lyk "umm! i will.. u oso muz jia you wors! cui lei lahs!"
he smiled n sae "yupp! no prom!"
den wen itz DD.. i accidentally smarge his autograph
den i was lyk tellin geral who was hold hands wif DD
i saed "ehh!!! i accidentally smarge DD's autograph lehs"
den DD heard
he look at mi.. den i let him c moi disc
den he was lyk "nvm lahs.. ^o^" den i was lyk
"hais.. oki lors.. den i saed sorriee"
aft tat ish all ta hotel tingie le
tmr they leavin le.. next yr april liddat den they'll b bac
hais.. i missin dinG* now
i wan moi WWJD


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