
Wednesday, December 01, 2004

contiune wif ytd's pix..
pix may load abit long..
hahas.. but pls b patient..
nice pix r worth waiting..
hahas.. aniwaee i change layout le
hahas.. ish moi dinG*
lols.. he's jux sho Q in tish pix
n shuai!
hahas.. but moi link ish not workin
i duno y
aniwaee.. peepx.. dun faint wen ya c moi blog kz.. hahas.. ^o^
moi dnG jux rocks..
aniwaee.. sLY ish out..
cried abit..
hmm.. cant realli cry alot
promised dinG* muz b happiee while waiting 4 them 2 cum
canot break promise..
cui leh!

moi dinG* n ah long at orchard park.. bothh r sho Q n nice.. ^o^ 29 nov
meeee* n moi dinG*!!! in T2 wahaha.. oki.. i'm ugly.. sho look at dinG* but not mi kz.. thx.. =) 28 nov

moi dinG* ish jux shooo Q!!! omg!! hahas.. 28 nov
hmm.. sho dark.. cant c.. but ish moi dinG* at ta airport 28 nov

ish dinG* again!!! in ta airport.. wahahaha.. Q!!!! ^o^ 28 nov
ahHhhh~!!! dinG* wif his dearest keyboard at orchard park!!!! he rock!!! sho Q.. sho shaui!!! gOsh~ fainting soon~ ^o^ 29 nov
still dinG* wif his keybaord at orchard park.. shaui si le!! hao Q arx! 29 nov

to be contiuned*

lazy 2 po

hahas.. njoy ya!!


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