DING*~thx 4 ta WWJD!! i love it!!! ^o^
[6 jia] day 3
dinG* left le
they reach taiwan le
pix r below
hope ur lyk it
but i'm realli realli happiee 2day
tish time they r not late
hahas.. sho we had alot of time
meee* serene* sitong* help them push instruments
den sitong* ask us faster go bac take care of dinG*
den we run bac.. lols.. but i fall.
luckily ah long[who was quite in front of meee*] din saw it
now i hav a big patch of blue black on moi knee
hmm.. den i stand beside dinG*
den i told him "guan ding i'm"
den i haven finish dinG* finish moi sentance 4 meee"ur shiyun rites? i rmb"
wahhhh.. den he smiled..den i was lyk "umm! sho smart"
den we followed them 2 ta row
hmm.. den all along i was beside dinG* mahs..
den i ask him "guan ding arx.. can help mi sign moi fone?"
den he sae "oki oki.. no prom"
den he signed n wrote moi name
hahas.. [thx dinG*]
den wen sitong* came she ask mi "u took ya WWJD le ma?"
den i say 'ya hors! i 4got le lehs.. lols"
den i turn 2 dinG* n told him "guan ding arx.. moi WWJD lehs?"
den he was lyk "oh! ya! wait ohh"
den he took out n he intended 2 help mi wear budden xiao ting jie called him
he havta fill in smth den he was lyk "err.. u wear it yaself kz? guai"
den i was lyk "err.. oki lors.."
cuz he gav mi those sorriee look
den started taking fotos
den i took wif him again
den got ppl hugg him mahs
den i was lyk sayin softly 2 moi self "i oso wan'
realli quite soft lors
den dinG* heard lehs.. lols
den he turn ard n pat moi head[again] givin mi those "u arx wan duno how 2 sae arx" look
den hugg meee
den i was lyk.. "umm!"
den aft huggin i told him "guan ding arx.. thx 4 ta WWJD ohh"
den he was lyk "thx?" den he sae "ohh.. welcum lahs" den he smiled again
den we followed them 2 ta departure gate mahs
den i was lyk tellin dinG* "go bac taiwan muz takie cares kz taiwan beri cold
muz wear more clothes drink more water"
den he was lyk "umm! taiwan beri cold" den he sae "umm. i will takie cares.. u oso muz takie cares ohh"
den i was lyk tellin him "guan ding arx.. wen ya go bac dunn online 1st kz
go slp.. take a rest.. tmr morning den leave msg.. oki?"
den he was lyk "oki oki.. no prom"
n he realli haven leave msg nehs
sho guai.. hahas
den wen he leavin le he hugg alot of peepx
den aft serene* ish mi
den i was lyk "realli muz take cares kz? we'll c each other soon"
den he was lyk "umm. i will.."
den smiling
hmm.. den aft they wen in we wen up 2 leave 2 n c them mahs
den he saw mi standin at ta glass der.. den he point 2 mi
den i was lyk buais!!!
hmm.. poor geral.. she cant go
den i let her tok 2 DD..
toopig gal.. aft tat realli stop cryin
hahas.. =.=
oki.. itz pix time!!!
DD holding moi fone tokin 2 geral. [t1 20 dec]
nice nice ah long at tamipines mall 4 ta autograph session [rehearsal 19 dec]
nice nice ah long again -ren tai tai arx.. y liddat de?- [rehearsal 19 dec]
moi ke ai de dinG* bz wif his keyboard @ tampines mall [rehearsal 19 nov]
moi dinG* again.. but i tink sum gals called him.. tat's y he look up.. not i call de kz.. hee.. [rehearsal 19 nov]
wOot! tish ish a ugly pix huh.. tat was taken aft we performed on stage at IMM.. 6 lame gals jux tryin 2 imitate [6 jia] wahahahah.. [left 2 rite] gladys* esther aka xiao ren sa0* serene aka xiao ding sao* meee* geral aka DD sao* n zhi wei aka ren tai tai [outside TM 19 nov] nice AL board hors.. sitong* make de.. but abit.. gayish.. =P
aku tryin 2 b spastic but tat board nice hors? heehee [in ta van goin IMM 19 nov]
xiao ding sao* n our lao gong
dinG* [during private gathering 19 dec]

eeeee.. i suck mann.. nvm.. moi dinG* rocks jiu hao.. ^o^ mi n moi dinG.. shuai huh?! ^o^ [private gathering 19 nov ]
[6 jia] @ TM [live 19 dec]

dinG* n
meee*!!!!!!! look at moi hand.. saw ta black tingie? tat 1 ish
dinG* giv de!!! nice hors?!
dinG* ish jux sho nice.. ^o^
[6 jia] realli treat us beri gud.. =))
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